Общество "Атлас" спрашивает

Общество "Атлас" спрашивает Константина Кисина

November 9, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 128th episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she interviews Triggernometry co-host Konstantin Kisin about his book "An Immigrant's Love Letter to the West" and topics related to censorship, gratitude, and the current cultural issues in both the United States and the United Kingdom.

Общество "Атлас" спрашивает доктора Райнера Цительмана

October 19, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 126th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews German historian and sociologist Dr. Rainer Zitelmann. Don't miss as the duo discuss Rainer's time in academia, the private sector, his book The Power of Capitalism, and research into variations of attitudes towards the wealthy.

Общество "Атлас" спрашивает доктора Хумана Хеммати

12 октября 2022 года
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 125th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews longtime outspoken critic of COVID-19 lockdowns, mandates, and medical censorship, Dr. Houman Hemmati. Dr. Hemmati is a board-certified MD Ophthalmologist and PhD research scientist who earned his BS in Biological Sciences from Standford University, an MD from UCLA School of Medicine, and a PhD from Caltech. Aside from being the co-founder of two pharmaceutical companies developing treatments for eye diseases, Dr. Hemmati also publishes extensively in the area of stem cell research and is a contributor to The Daily Wire.

Общество Атласа спрашивает Кори ДеАнджелиса

October 5, 2022
Corey DeAngelis is the National Director of Research at the American Federation for Children, whose research primarily focuses on the effects of school choice programs on non-academic outcomes such as criminal activity, character skills, mental health, political participation, and schooling supply. He is the co-editor of School Choice Myths: Setting the Record Straight on Education Freedom and has authored or co-authored over 40 journal articles, book chapters, and reports on education policy, with work featured in media outlets such as USA Today, New York Post, The Hill, Washington Examiner, and Foundation for Economic Education.

Общество "Атлас" спрашивает Роберта Зубрина

September 28, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 123rd episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she interviews author and founder of the Mars Society, Robert Zubrin. Listen as she talks with Robert about the case for space and his views on nuclear power as an answer to America's current energy situation.

О сокращении числа студентов гуманитарных факультетов и преподавании КРТ/ЛГБТК в школах: Текущие события с Хиксом и Хиллом

September 21, 2022
Join Senior Scholars Dr. Stephen Hicks and Dr. Jason Hill on the 122nd episode of The Atlas Society Asks as they discuss an Objectivist perspective on current events surrounding the decline of humanities majors and legislative responses to CRT/LGBTQ teaching views in schools.

Общество "Атлас" спрашивает Зуби

September 14, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 121st episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews rapper and "Real Talk with Zuby" host, Zuby. Listen as the two discuss Zuby's journey as a rapper, libertarian, and entrepreneur.

Общество "Атлас" спрашивает Джейсона Айзека

September 7, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 120th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews former Texas State Representative Jason Isaac. Listen as the two discuss Jason's work with Life:Powered in trying to raise America's energy IG and his analysis of the current climate and energy conversation going on in the country. The Honorable Jason Isaac is the director of Life:Powered, a national initiative of the Texas Public Policy Foundation and previously served as a four-time Texas State Representative and on the Energy Resources and Environmental Regulation committees. His articles on energy and climate have been published in outlets like Fox Business, The Hill, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, and he is a regular contributor to The Epoch Times. Previous Episode

Общество "Атлас" спрашивает Марка Пеллегрино

31 августа 2022 года
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 119th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews actor and objectivist Mark Pellegrino. Listen as the two discuss how Mark was introduced to Ayn Rand and her "sense of life" philosophy, his capitalist vision, and his critique of today's political parties. Mark Ross Pellegrino is an actor well known for his roles in series like Dexter, Lost, Supernatural, Quantico, and many other shows. But besides his acting and film career, Mark is also an intellectual activist and Objectivist who co-founded the American Capitalist Party to provide an alternative platform to the current political duopoly in government.

Общество "Атлас" спрашивает Чарльза Неги

25 августа 2022 года
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 118th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews Professor Charles Negy about his work in psychology and the study of race in his book "White Shaming: Bullying Based on Prejudice, Virtue-Signaling, and Ignorance."

Общество "Атлас" спрашивает Барбару Оукли

August 10, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 116th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews Engineering Professor Barbara Oakley about her work in the field of cognition and learning. Oakley's rather distinguished academic career belies a life of adventure in which she has worked as a translator on Soviet trawlers, a radio operator at the South Pole Station in Antarctica, a teacher in China, and an Army officer in Germany. She has written books like "Uncommon Sense Teaching" and "Mindshift," but has also explored spheres of ethics with her books "Pathological Altruism" and "Evil Genes." Listen as Barbara Oakley explains a controversial perspective on Ayn Rand's genius that is worth debating.

Общество Атласа спрашивает Джереми С. Адамса

August 3, 2022
Join our CEO, Jennifer Grossman, as she talks with Professor Jeremy S. Adams about his new book "Hollowed Out: A Warning about America's Next Generation" and its warning about the current rejection of wisdom, culture, and institutions of Western Civilization by students, along with what we can do to win them back.

Ученые спрашивают ученых: Ричард Салсман интервьюирует Джейсона Хилла

July 27, 2022
Join Senior Scholar and Professor of Political Economy at Duke, Richard Salsman, Ph.D as he sits down for an interview with fellow Senior Scholar, Jason Hill, Ph.D, Professor of Philosophy at Depaul. Listen as they discuss how Professor Hill discovered Ayn Rand as a teenager in Jamaica, his observations on trends over decades of teaching at a college level, and about his most recent books, including "We Have Overcome: An Immigrant’s Letter to the American People" and "What Do White Americans Owe Black People: Racial Justice in the Age of Post-Oppression."

Общество "Атлас" спрашивает Роберта Энтони Питерса

July 20, 2022
Inspired by the iconic image of a man blocking tanks in Tiananmen Square in 1989, Robert Anthony Peters produced the short film Tank Man. As the Vice-Chairman of the Fully Informed Jury Association Robert works to educate people about jurors’ rights and responsibility to exercise jury nullification.

Общество "Атлас" спрашивает Джека Карра

July 12, 2022
Join The Atlas Society CEO Jennifer Grossman for a very special 112th episode of The Atlas Society Asks with New York Times Bestselling Author Jack Carr. Listen as they discuss what inspired Jack Carr to write his acclaimed series "The Terminal List" and also his appreciation for Ayn Rand.

Общество "Атлас" спрашивает Криса Стюарта

July 7, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 111th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she sits down with brightbeam CEO Chris Stewart to talk about child welfare and education. Chris Stewart is Chief Executive Officer for brightbeam, an education nonprofit focused on child justice. Stewart’s past roles include CEO for the Wayfinder Foundation, Executive Director of the African American Leadership Forum, and a publicly elected Minneapolis Board of Education member. Stewart defies neat categories—an African American libertarian school-choice activist, father of five and man of deep religious faith who takes equal aim at left-wing and right-wing initiatives to impose one-size-solutions in education.

Общество "Атлас" спрашивает Джеймса Линдсея

June 30, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman on the 110th episode of The Atlas Society Asks as she talks with one of the most interesting public intellectuals making waves in today's cultural debate, James Lindsay. He first famously teamed up with Peter Boghossian and Helen Pluckrose to submit some 20 academic hoax papers, with 7 of them getting published in prestigious peer-reviewed journals. His newest book "Race Marxism" explores the origins of Critical Race Theory as a reinvention of Marxism focusing on race instead of class.

Общество "Атлас" спрашивает Иэна Миллера

June 22, 2022
From the beginning of the pandemic, Ian Miller has been an independent voice, questioning the efficacy not just of lockdowns and mask mandates, but also the efficacy of masks themselves. In his new book, Unmasked: The Global Failure of Covid Mask Mandates he shares his findings, many of which are regularly discussed in his Unmasked Substack column

Общество "Атлас" спрашивает Маршу Фамиларо Энрайт

June 15, 2022
Join our founder Dr. David Kelley and Marsha Familaro Enright on the 108th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where they will discuss Marsha's history with Ayn Rand and Objectivism. Don't miss it as they also discuss Montessori education and Marsha's new educational initiative Reliance College.

Общество "Атлас" спрашивает Рейчел Фергюсон

June 7, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman and Professor Rachel Ferguson on the 107th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where they'll discuss Ferguson's co-authored book "Black Liberation Through the Marketplace: Hope, Heartbreak, and the Promise of America" which applies a classical liberal lens to how both the violation of property rights and failed paternalism have contributed to deep injustices against Black Americans, while also celebrating Black entrepreneurs who’ve overcome tremendous obstacles to create flourishing businesses and communities.

نحن نشجع الموضوعية المفتوحة: فلسفة العقل والإنجاز والفردية والحرية.