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О протесте канадских дальнобойщиков и России против Украины: Текущие события с Келли и Салсманом

16 февраля 2022 года
The Atlas Society Current Events Panel: Join The Atlas Society Founder, Dr. David Kelley, and Senior Scholar, Dr. Richard Salsman, with host Abbie Berringer to discuss the Canadian Trucker protests and the threat of war between Russia and Ukraine. All this on the 92nd episode of The Atlas Society Asks.

Robert Tracinski - The Road To Etchasketchistan

February 15, 2022
Join our Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for "The Road to Etchasketchistan" where he asks the question: With the specter of war haunting Europe again, what should be America's current versions of "containment" or "détente" when dealing with authoritarian powers?

Jason Hill - Ask Me Anything - February 2022

February 14, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman and Senior Scholar Dr. Jason Hill for a special "Ask Me Anything" discussion where Professor Hill will be fielding questions from the audience and choosing a few questions submitted every week by our over 63,000 followers on Instagram.

The Atlas Society Asks Robby Soave

February 9, 2022
Join The Atlas Society's CEO, Jennifer Grossman, for a conversation with journalist and senior editor for Reason Magazine Robby Soave, on the 91st episode of The Atlas Society Asks. Listen as they discuss Soave's books "Tech Panic: Why We Shouldn’t Fear Facebook and the Future" and "Panic Attack: Young Radicals in the Age of Trump." With the debate around whether the government should "smash" big tech platforms with regulations and anti-trust busts, listen as these two discuss why ultimately the government should just leave tech platforms alone.

Robert Tracinski - Is "Wokeness" Overblown?

February 8, 2022
Join our Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski as he presents “Is ‘Wokeness’ Overblown?” and discusses how some who acknowledge the problems with "wokeness" also argue that its threat has been overblown and that it is not as common or dominant as its critics claim. Listen as Tracinski explores this perspective and whether or not that seems to be the case.

Общество "Атлас" спрашивает Эшли Риндсберг

February 2, 2022
Join The Atlas Society's CEO, Jennifer Grossman, for a conversation with author, essayist, and journalist Ashley Rindsberg on the 90th episode of The Atlas Society Asks. Listen as they discuss his book "The Gray Lady Winked," which presents historical examples of how the New York Times radically altered people's perception of history through the use of misreporting facts.

Robert Tracinski - What is Human Nature?

February 1, 2022
Join our Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski as he presents "What is Human Nature?" and covers the questions: What is "human nature"? Is it the opposite of having a "blank slate"? Does it doom us to barbarism or irrationality? Is it something that has to be, or can be, overcome? And why does it matter?

David Kelley - Facts vs. Opinion

27 января 2022 года
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman and our founder, David Kelley, Ph.D. as they discuss the distinction between “Facts vs. Opinion” at an epistemological level.

Экономика и политика криптовалюты

27 января 2022 года
На этой специальной совместной сессии ежемесячного семинара "Мораль и рынки", проводимого старшим научным сотрудником общества "Атлас" доктором Ричардом Салсманом, он обсуждает: Являются ли криптовалюты подлинными или, наоборот, мошенническими деньгами? Какую роль они сыграли в экономике до сих пор, и как они могут повлиять на будущее? Чем объясняется их привлекательность? Каковы их основные риски и могут ли они распространиться как зараза по всему миру? Имеют ли криптовалюты существенные различия (Биткоин, Эфир, Солана, USD Coin), и если да, то почему это может иметь значение? Сальвадор признал биткоин законным платежным средством, в то время как другие государства (Китай) враждебно относятся к криптовалютам. Являются ли они альтернативой государственным фиатным деньгам или, наоборот, возможной моделью для хорошо управляемых государственных цифровых валют? со студентом экономического факультета Дьюка и автором Bitcoin Magazine Джеком Кризелем. Джек, бывший противник биткойна, стал одним из его самых сильных молодых сторонников! Послушайте его точку зрения, когда он будет обсуждать ее с доктором Салсманом и участниками сессии.

Общество "Атлас" спрашивает Амджада Масада

January 26, 2022
Join The Atlas Society's CEO, Jennifer Grossman, for a conversation with Replit CEO Amjad Masad on the 89th episode of The Atlas Society Asks. Listen as the two discuss Amjad's early fascination for computers while living in Jordan and about his recently viral Twitter thread crediting his success to ten things about the American entrepreneurial experience, as covered by Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal.

Robert Tracinski - Enlightened Self-Interest

January 25, 2022
Join our Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski presents for “Enlightened Self-Interest,” where he will define “enlightened self-interest” and why we should defend it.

Richard Salsman - Are Price Controls Coming?

January 20, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman and Senior Scholar Richard Salsman, Ph.D. to ponder: “Are Price Controls Coming?” Don’t miss Dr. Salsman’s account of how the government resorted to price controls in the 1970s and his estimate of whether it will do so again.

NYT Study on Hate Speech, +7% Inflation, and More - Current Events with Hicks and Salsman

January 19, 2022
The Atlas Society Current Events Panel: Join The Atlas Society's Senior Scholars, Dr. Stephen Hicks and Dr. Richard Salsman with host Abbie Berringer to discuss a recent New York Times free speech survey on College Campuses, the over 7% inflation of the US dollar, and the first-ever pig-to-man heart transplant. All of this and more on the 88th episode of The Atlas Society Asks.

Robert Tracinski - A European Solution to Our School Wars

January 18, 2022
Join our Senior Fellow, Robert Tracinski, for “A European Solution to Our School Wars,” where he proposes how a European model of school choice could address the intensifying battle over political “indoctrination” in our schools.

Jason Hill - Ask Me Anything - January 2022

January 14, 2022
Join Senior Scholar Dr. Jason Hill for a special "Ask Me Anything" discussion where Professor Hill will be fielding questions from the audience and choosing a few questions submitted every week by our over 62,000 followers on Instagram.

Общество "Атлас" спрашивает доктора Наоми Вульф

January 12, 2022
Join the Atlas Society's CEO, Jennifer Grossman, for a special discussion with Dr. Naomi Wolf on the 87th episode of The Atlas Society Asks. Listen as the two discuss the current authoritarian lockdown and vaccine passport measures taking place in America and across the globe, along with a personal look at Dr. Wolf's history in the feminism movement and her new mission with the Dailyclout to keep elected officials accountable.

Robert Tracinski - In Defense of Workism

January 11, 2022
Join our Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a discussion on "In Defense of Workism" where he will cover the question: Does work add meaning to our lives and define who we are--and is that a good thing? You won’t want to miss Tracinski’s unique take on concepts like work-life balance and workaholism in light of the seminal virtue of productivity.

Общество "Атлас" спрашивает Кару Дански

January 5, 2022
Are you confused by the current preoccupation with gender identity? With the proliferation of "preferred pronouns," the cancel culture fury directed at figures as prominent as JK Rowling, the male athletes winning honors in female sports? Then listen to the 86th episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where our CEO, Jennifer Grossman, is joined by Kara Dansky for a conversation to help us navigate the changing ideological landscape of sex, gender, and identity.

David Kelley - Ask Me Anything

January 4, 2022
Join our founder, Dr. David Kelly for a special "Ask Me Anything" event where Dr. Kelley will be fielding questions from the audience and choosing a few questions submitted every week by our over 62,000 followers on Instagram.

Australia’s Cautionary Tale, Firsthand w/Jack McGuire

30 декабря 2021 года
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for a special Clubhouse Q&A with Australian activist Jack McGuire, who is leading the fight against COVID lockdowns and mandates down under: Why did Australia submit so readily to such extreme authoritarian measures? What are the results? Will freedom ever be regained? And what are the lessons for America?

Правильность и неправильность репараций

30 декабря 2021 года
Суды по гражданскому праву и гражданским правонарушениям должным образом требуют денежного возмещения ущерба пострадавшим, учитывая объективные доказательства причинности, ответственности и существенности. Коллективные иски также могут быть законными. Но "возмещение ущерба", как оно задумано сейчас, несправедливо коллективизирует зло, назначает невиновных виновными и относит незаслуженных к жертвам. Проблема с возмещением ущерба не столько логистическая, сколько этическая.

Promovemos el objetivismo abierto: la filosofía de la razón, el logro, el individualismo y la libertad.