

D.C. Council to Walmart: Go Ahead, Shrug

Walmart is not a radical defender of its own rights, or of other people’s. It has obtained land through eminent domain....

Jul 12, 2013
2 мин
Египет восстает против исламистов и Обамы

Военный переворот в Египте - это удар по исламистским тоталитаристам и пощечина их пособнику Бараку Обаме. После массовых демонстраций

Июль 4, 2013
Эдвард Хаджинс
3 мин
The Apple E-Books Case: When Rescuing an Industry Violates Antitrust

If I’m revolutionizing your whole industry right out of business, do you have to cooperate? If cooperating means letting me sell your...

Jun 21, 2013
4 мин
Иммиграция и республиканская спираль смерти

Сенатор Линдси Грэм (R-SC) справедливо предупреждает о гибели GOP, если его партия не поможет принять разумную иммиграционную реформу.

18 июня 2013 г.
Эдвард Хаджинс
3 мин
Республиканцы помогают Вирджинии эволюционировать в сторону демократов

Саморазрушение Республиканской партии демонстрируется в Вирджинии, когда Э. У. Джексон, кандидат от GOP на пост лейтенант-губернатора, ищет...

Jun 12, 2013
Эдвард Хаджинс
4 мин
FBI Nominee James Comey and Civil Liberties: The Dark Side

James Comey, who is widely said to have threatened resigning as Acting U.S. Attorney General rather than sign off on the Bush administration

Jun 11, 2013
6 мин
Private Moon Bases and NASA

A soon-to-be-released study on future activities in space suggests that private Moon bases could be a reality as early as 2020...

Jun 11, 2013
Эдвард Хаджинс
3 мин
Был ли генеральный директор телекоммуникационной компании отправлен в тюрьму за сопротивление АНБ?

Even before 9/11, the National Security Agency went to Qwest Communications and asked it to turn over Americans’ phone records without....

Jun 10, 2013
2 мин
Что такое права? | Университет Атласа

В политических спорах и протестах часто доминирует тема прав или индивидуальных прав. Мы слышим о "праве на медицинское обслуживание

Jun 7, 2013
Еврократы отступают на оливковом масле

После всеобщего возмущения европейские чиновники отменили планы по жесткому регулированию оливкового масла, подаваемого в ресторанах......

23 мая 2013 г.
2 мин
Video: The IRS scandal and Tea party protests

This week Tea Party supporters and other individuals gathered in various cities to protest the IRS's targeting of groups based on their...

23 мая 2013 г.
1 мин
IRS Denied Non-profit Status to Free State Project

Aaron Day, CEO of The Atlas Society, interviews Jason Sorens on the IRS's denial of non-profit status to the Free State Project . Sorens....

May 20, 2013
3 мин
Vote with Your Wallet Against the IRS

Ayn Rand wrote the above quote in December 1963. As a result of the recent behavior by the IRS, I fear that our current dusk will turn to in

May 14, 2013
5 минут
The IRS and the Cult of Arbitrary Power

The Internal Revenue Service has targeted “Tea Party,” conservative-leaning, and even Jewish non-profits for special harassment. There is

May 14, 2013
3 мин
Food Trucks Shrug!

At Farragut Park and other locations in Washington, D.C., food vendors have their trucks parked as usual at lunch time today but they are..

May 7, 2013
2 мин
Похороните запутавшийся сострадательный консерватизм Буша!

The George W. Bush Presidential Library is ready to open and the former president is giving interviews doubling down on the mantra that

Apr 18, 2013
Эдвард Хаджинс
2 мин
The InBev Merger, the Price of Corona, and the Cost of Antitrust

Bill Baer, the head of the Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division, is forcing Budweiser’s corporate owner AB InBev to give up a big...

Apr 15, 2013
3 мин
Flying Managed-Economy to London

If you think antitrust is about fair competition, take a look at this : Delta and Virgin Atlantic are asking the U.S. Department of

Apr 10, 2013
2 мин
Margaret Thatcher's Compassion

A criticism of the late, great Margaret Thatcher, prime minister of Great Britain from 1979 to 1990, echoes the digs at her political friend

Apr 9, 2013
Эдвард Хаджинс
2 mins
Treacy: Get a Lawyer When You Become Big

James J. Treacy may have helped you find a job, but years after he left Monster.com , he was sent to prison over paperwork there...

Apr 8, 2013
2 мин

Nous promouvons un objectivisme ouvert : la philosophie de la raison, de la réussite, de l'individualisme et de la liberté.