A Sharia London is the story of the transformation of a mild-mannered, politically-correct man into a fearless crusader. Marlon Stone, a...
""Король умер, а потом умерла королева" - это [хроникальный] рассказ, а "Король умер, а потом королева умерла от горя" - это сюжет"....
Gorillas are social animals that live in groups to help them survive. Males protect females and the offspring of the group. In a group of up
Scams and rackets, hoaxes and frauds … are as old as humanity itself. The Federal Trade Commission estimates that over 25 million Americans
In 2011, the New York Times posed this question as a headline, “Can a novelist write philosophically?” drawing on the work...
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В книге "Романтический манифест: Философия литературы", опубликованной в 1971 году, Айн Рэнд сформулировала простую схему классификации искусства.