

The Morality of Insider Trading

In the decades since the SEC decided that trading in your company’s stock could be a form of “fraud” if you were guided by first-hand knowle

Dec 6, 2011
10 минут
Вас нужно осторожно учить

Everyone who has seen South Pacific will remember Oscar Hammerstein II’s lyrics about the prejudice that Lieutenant Cable knows will keep hi

Dec 5, 2011
3 мин
Filmmakers Imagine Finance

Margin Call is the best film to come out of the recent financial crisis. This is no polemic masquerading as a “documentary” (Inside Job) or

Nov 14, 2011
Larry E. Ribstein
4 мин
Losing While Winning

Newsflash: it’s a competitive world out there! Some of us are winning and some are losing. It’s the game of live-and-let-live together.

11 ноября 2011 г.
10 минут
Why Care About Rajat Gupta?

Gupta is being prosecuted for his alleged conduct during the period when Goldman Sachs, of whose board he was a member, received a massive..

Nov 7, 2011
3 мин
How to Feed Your Family on $10 Billion a Day

Fall 2011 issue -- Seems like these days I hear a lot of whiney whiners whining about “out of control government spending” and “insane

26 октября 2011 г.
David Burge
6 мин
Greg Reyes: Justice Denied

On October 13, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals refused to throw out the fraud conviction of Greg Reyes that had emerged from the...

Oct 21, 2011
6 мин
An Unjustified Sentence

One hundred, thirty-two months in which Raj Rajaratnam, a man capable of making millions through his ability to find out or figure out the..

Oct 13, 2011
4 мин
Defiant Defendants and Corrupting Incentives

I’d like to present some excerpts from a prosecution brief in the sentencing of Raj Rajaratnam. Lawyers for Rajaratnam, who is to be.....

Oct 12, 2011
3 мин
Стив Джобс против антикапиталистов

I hope I’m only one of many to see the irony. On the day that Steve Jobs, one of the most innovative entrepreneurs in our history, died...

Oct 6, 2011
Эдвард Хаджинс
4 мин
Undermining the Attorney-Client Privilege

Should a lawyer be able to represent both a corporation and its employees? If a corporation’s executives and other employees can’t trust the

Oct 5, 2011
3 мин
Вырвите им легкие!

This one will take your breath away and, when you recover, teach you a life-saving philosophy lesson. The Obama administration’s Food and...

Sep 30, 2011
Эдвард Хаджинс
4 мин
A Vitiated Jury

For years, your life has been crashing around you. You were a corporate president; now, you are a criminal defendant. The jury has reached..

Sep 29, 2011
3 мин
Angry Customers Should Reevaluate Netflix's Changes

I hear customers are angry at Netflix over its recent changes. It’s worth taking a moment to ask: Why would anyone be angry...

Sep 22, 2011
4 мин
The Taking Tree (видео)

September 13, 2011 -- What if our economy was a tree from which politicians could just take and take and take? When would they stop? Would

Sep 14, 2011
Майкл Озиас
1 мин
11 сентября спустя десятилетие

Первое десятилетие двадцать первого века было определено исламистами, которые использовали самолеты в качестве оружия против Всемирного торгового центра и

11 сентября 2011 г.
Эдвард Хаджинс
5 минут
Альтруизм и капитализм

Капиталистическая система возникла в 1750-1850 годах в результате трех революций. La primera fue una revolución....

31 августа 2011 г.
David Kelley Ph.D
12 минут
No Tengo Que

Tengo que sacar la basura ... cambiar el aceite del carro ... pagar mi tarjeta Visa ... Tengo que hacer una presentación en la reunión de

31 августа 2011 г.
David Kelley Ph.D
5 минут
El Asalto a la Civilización

30 августа 2011 г.
David Kelley Ph.D
Не наклоняйтесь к этим ветряным мельницам

В эти выходные окружающая среда - ураган "Айрин", если быть точным, - отняла у меня электричество. Начиная с вечера субботы, у меня в квартире было

30 августа 2011 г.
2 мин

Nous promouvons un objectivisme ouvert : la philosophie de la raison, de la réussite, de l'individualisme et de la liberté.