Регулирование и налогообложение

Регулирование и налогообложение

Are Congressional Staffers Engaged in Insider Trading?

Professor Bainbridge explains the current law on insider trading here , and argues that the staffers could be found in violation of insider

Oct 13, 2010
1 мин
Боб Моффат не заслуживает тюремного заключения

Robert Moffat has apparently asked to begin his six-month prison term for insider trading on November 5 rather than on next June 30...

Sep 21, 2010
2 мин
Уроки Enron для капитализма

Март 2002 г. -- Внезапное банкротство корпорации Enron - это скандал, который потряс поддержку свободного рынка. Жизнь в дивизии...

9 сентября 2010 г.
Уильям Томас
10 минут
The Servile Citizen

A large billboard in a local Metro station cautions passersby to “Cover your cough” and “Wash your hands frequently” when you have a cold...

7 сентября 2010 г.
Эдвард Хаджинс
6 мин
Tax Codes Reflect Moral Codes

Why should we acquiesce when governments take our money? We would be upset if thugs stole our wallets at gunpoint or thieves broke into our

26 августа 2010 г.
Эдвард Хаджинс
If You Discover Insider Trading, Can You Trade on Your Discovery?

It seems that SMARTS Software , developed in part by Professor Mike Aitken , has now been sold to 150 brokers worldwide who use “its...

Aug 4, 2010
2 мин
Wyly Update: Insider-Trading Charge Is "Edgy"

I am always surprised to find a report more sympathetic than I am to businessmen facing legal persecution--and when the report comes from

Jul 31, 2010
2 мин
Why Is Payola Illegal? The Univision Case

It seems that Stanley Kurtz has an interesting book coming out this fall: Radical-in-Chief . Even before publication, it is provoking some

Jul 30, 2010
2 мин
Choose or Lose: How Regulation Destroys Value

When economic crises hit, politicians of both parties are demanding more regulation of the economy. Failures in banking and finance...

Июнь 26, 2010
Уильям Томас
10 минут
Бойцовский клуб: как плохая политика превращает хороших соседей в соперников

Front, my side (call us the “Alliance for Choice”) was recently crushed by the Egalitarian Axis in the Battle of the Universal Pre-K Lottery

Июнь 26, 2010
10 минут
Criminal Charges for BP?

The Gulf Spill Once again, journalists are speculating about the possibility of bringing criminal charges against BP CEO Tony Hayward...

Июнь 24, 2010
2 мин
Aviation Insecurity

You asked “Are we any safer?” I have to ask you, safer from what? If we are talking about a repeat of the 9/11 incident, I think we are.....

Jun 23, 2010
10 минут
Join the Ogre Resistance

It looks as though Dreamworks could not have come up with a better slogan for its final Shrek movie: After

Jun 22, 2010
2 мин
Пьянство на наши деньги

You walk into a bar and see the same drunk who’s there every night lying on the floor in a pool of his reeking fluids. He raises his head...

Июнь 21, 2010
Эдвард Хаджинс
5 минут
Producers vs. Expropriators: America's Coming Civil War?

This is not mere rhetoric. It describes a crack in the American community that since Barack Obama’s election as president has widened into..

Июнь 21, 2010
Эдвард Хаджинс
4 мин
EPA Spy Planes Monitor Feedlots

In its efforts to supervise Nebraska cattle producers' obedience to the Clean Water Act, the Environmental Protection Agency is literally...

Jun 4, 2010
2 мин
Interview: The Fall of Ken Lay

Enron will prove to be one of the most important episodes in the history of American business, and its story, from beginning to end, is

May 13, 2010
10 минут
Почему так много американцев не имеют страховки?

24 апреля 2009 г. - В то время как Конгресс возвращается с весенних каникул и приступает к работе над законопроектом о реформе здравоохранения, эта страшная статистика становится все более очевидной.

20 апреля 2010 г.
Брэдли Дусе
5 минут
Почему FedEx плачет о "спасении"?

19 июня 2009 -- Когда я впервые увидел группу "Бойкот UPS!" на Facebook, должен признаться, что был готов поверить в самое худшее. После того, как

20 апреля 2010 г.
Брэдли Дусе
4 мин
Switzerland Attacked!

Most Americans know peaceful and prosperous Switzerland—America’s “sister republic”—for its beautiful mountains, tangy cheese, decentralized

4 апреля 2010 г.
Эдвард Хаджинс
5 минут

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