

Restoring Glory: A Renaissance-style Art Studio Creates Modern Magic

Bill Mensching has aged a painting four hundred years, created a gigantic glass mural for a hotel in Las Vegas, and shipped the makings of..

Jul 3, 2010
Аманда Эриксон
5 минут
The Bright Idea: The IQ2 US Debates

Since 2006, the most objective presentations of conservative views to be heard in Manhattan have probably been those offered at a program...

Jul 3, 2010
5 минут
The Second Life

But does every man feel like this at forty – I mean it’s like Thomas Wolfe’s New York, his heady light, the stunning plunging canyons...

Jul 3, 2010
Edwin Morgan
2 мин
Orthodox Unorthodoxy

America is on the verge of a major economic and political crisis. Accordingly, it is a time for a transformative vision of society, a vision

Jul 2, 2010
Дэвид Хогберг
7 минут
Iron Without, Fire Within

Like any story relying on the fantastic, the superhero film has a test: does the fantastic sharpen and enhance the theme and the conflicts..

Jul 1, 2010
Хьюго Шмидт
5 минут
Вариации киборга

The piano prelude begins insistently, with a loud, rhythmic figure repeated immediately at a lower register. The music winds up and down

Jul 1, 2010
Кира Ньюман
9 минут
Galaxy Girl: From Classical to Electronica

Ask Jeannette Claudine Romeu what she does, and you’ll get a collection of answers. The fifth-generation musician is by turns a pianist...

Jul 1, 2010
3 мин
Литературное достижение "Фонтанной головы

Спустя шесть десятилетий после публикации "Голова фонтана" все еще очень жива. Сотни новых читателей находят его каждый день

30 июня 2010 г.
Стивен Кокс
10 минут
Instant Books and Instapundits

In its heyday, the instant book was an invaluable resource. Appearing shortly after a major news event, the tome would give a complete news

Июнь 29, 2010
6 мин
Трансгуманизм: как он соотносится с объективизмом?

Transhumanism (e.g. H+ ) or Extropianism is an ideological coalition centered on the idea that, in the near future, substantial....

Июнь 29, 2010
Уильям Томас
3 мин
Вызывает ли у вас разногласия то, что вы храните брата?

Objectivism reads "I am my brother's keeper" as a short-hand for an ideal of self-sacrifice and service to the group. In other words, it...

Июнь 29, 2010
Уильям Томас
5 минут
From Worldview to Worldstorm

This award-winning documentary was directed by Latvian filmmaker, Edvīns Šnore, and debuted to considerable acclaim at film festivals

Jun 27, 2010
Jason Walker
10 минут
The Individualist's Guide to Progressive Change

If socialism were a respectable affiliation, Progressives would probably call themselves “democratic socialists.”But socialism died as a....

Июнь 26, 2010
Уильям Томас
10 минут
Постмодернизм и миф о Джефферсоне-Хеммингсе

I concur in the conclusion of the Scholars Commission: the allegation that Thomas Jefferson fathered one or more children by his slave....

Jun 23, 2010
Дэвид Н. Майер
6 мин
Агонисты Дарвина

I’m never impressed by those studies that come out every so often showing that some large percentage of the American citizenry “does not

Jun 23, 2010
Хьюго Шмидт
5 минут
Вера, разум и хорошая жизнь

We are surrounded by examples, from the sublime to the murderous, that illustrate the importance in human life of the systems of belief we

Jun 22, 2010
Кеннет Ливингстон
10 минут
Что сделал Кант

Моя тема заключается в том, что на немецком интеллектуальном ландшафте Кант настолько близок к мышлению эпохи Просвещения, насколько это вообще возможно. С точки зрения большинства

Jun 22, 2010
Stephen Hicks Ph.D.
6 мин
Join the Ogre Resistance

It looks as though Dreamworks could not have come up with a better slogan for its final Shrek movie: After

Jun 22, 2010
2 мин
Five Superstitions that Harm Haiti

The earthquake in Haiti that has resulted in tens of thousands of deaths and inflicted untold misery on the inhabitants of that country has

Июнь 21, 2010
Эдвард Хаджинс
4 мин
Happy-Face Totalitarian Commercials

The first was the “Green Police” advertisement for Audi that was broadcast during this year’s Super Bowl. It starts with a clerk asking a...

Июнь 21, 2010
Эдвард Хаджинс
5 минут

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