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Роберт Нозик и хорошая борьба

Роберт Нозик и хорошая борьба

4 мин
September 9, 2010

March 2002 -- "Whoever makes something, having bought or contracted for all other held resources used in the process…is entitled to it. The situation is not one of something's getting made, and there being an open question of who is to get it. Things come into the world already attached to people having entitlements over them…. Those who start afresh to complete 'to each according to his ____' treat objects as if they appeared from nowhere, out of nothing."

I first read that passage in a book manuscript that was circulating in the Princeton University philosophy department in 1974. It reminded me of the words Ayn Rand put in the mouth of her hero in Atlas Shrugged :

"[I]ndividuals are ends and not merely means; they may not be sacrificed or used for the achieving of other ends without their consent. Individuals are inviolable."

-Robert Nozick

"The socialist society would have to forbid capitalist acts between consenting adults."  Nozick

Though he made ample use of economic theory in this critique, he wrote primarily from a moral point of view. Like Rand, he enraged the Left by denying them the moral high ground—and he did so with great wit. "The socialist society," said Nozick, "would have to forbid capitalist acts between consenting adults." In a discussion of the income tax as a device for redistribution, he argued that "taxation of earnings from labor is on a par with forced labor." On one issue after another, he punctured the political idealism of those who wanted government to pursue their vision of utopia; he did it by showing that any such program uses coercion to violate individual autonomy.

In the world of academic philosophy, Nozick became the most prominent advocate of libertarianism, the theorist with whom every other viewpoint had to contend. This was not because his case for freedom was fundamentally original. Many of the arguments he used can be found in the long tradition of classical liberalism, from John Locke in the seventeenth century to Milton Friedman and Ayn Rand in our own era. The reason for Nozick's prominence was principally that he cast the arguments in the method and style of analytic philosophy, the approach that dominates academic philosophy in English-speaking countries.

As the name suggests, analytic philosophers consider their job to be the close and detailed analysis of issues. They prize philosophical dissection: subtle distinctions, rigorous arguments, precise formulations of positions. Nozick was a master of this approach. He handled the scalpel of analysis with a speed and dexterity that awed his colleagues, even when they didn't like his views. And indeed, his book did much to clarify issues of distributive justice and the nature of the conflict between libertarians and egalitarians.

But the goal of close analysis creates occupational hazards. Analytic philosophers are often insensitive to the wider context of the issues they deal with and unwilling—or unable—to examine their own fundamental assumptions, concepts, and methods. As a result, they tend to take for granted the current state of play in their specialist domains, treating complex, derivative concepts and assumptions as axiomatic. Nozick was no exception.

This was nowhere clearer, to me at least, than in an early article he wrote criticizing Rand's moral and political philosophy. Nozick more or less completely failed to come to grips with Rand's theory, spinning his wheels in an effort to break apart her integrated view of human life and values. In Anarchy, State, and Utopia, the shortcoming of his method was most evident in his failure to explain why individuals are ends in themselves and why they are inviolable; his statement of the principle was about as far as he went. Nozick did not accept Rand's explanation that individuals are ends in themselves because life is metaphysically an end in itself, the fundamental value that each person seeks to realize. But he did not offer any alternative.

Nevertheless, Anarchy, State, and Utopia is a genuine classic in the literature of freedom. Robert Nozick fought the good fight with intellectual brilliance, moral idealism, and personal courage. Everyone else engaged in that fight owes him a large debt of gratitude.

This article was originally published in the March 2002 issue of
Navigator magazine, The Atlas Society precursor to The New Individualist.

Дэвид Келли


Дэвид Келли

Дэвид Келли - основатель "Общества Атласа". Профессиональный философ, преподаватель и автор бестселлеров, он является ведущим сторонником объективизма уже более 25 лет.

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David Kelley Ph.D
About the author:
David Kelley Ph.D

David Kelley founded The Atlas Society (TAS) in 1990 and served as Executive Director through 2016. In addition, as Chief Intellectual Officer, he was responsible for overseeing the content produced by the organization: articles, videos, talks at conferences, etc.. Retired from TAS in 2018, he remains active in TAS projects and continues to serve on the Board of Trustees.

Келли - профессиональный философ, преподаватель и писатель. Получив степень доктора философии в Принстонском университете в 1975 году, он поступил на философский факультет колледжа Вассар, где преподавал самые разные курсы на всех уровнях. Он также преподавал философию в Университете Брандейса и часто читал лекции в других университетских городках.

Философские труды Келли включают оригинальные работы по этике, эпистемологии и политике, многие из которых развивают объективистские идеи на новую глубину и в новых направлениях. Он является автором книги Доказательства чувствтрактата по эпистемологии; Истина и толерантность в объективизмео проблемах объективистского движения; Unrugged Individualism: Эгоистическая основа благожелательности; и Искусство рассуждатьшироко используемый учебник по вводной логике, который сейчас находится в 5-м издании.

Келли читает лекции и публикуется по широкому кругу политических и культурных тем. Его статьи по социальным вопросам и государственной политике появлялись в журналах Harpers, The Sciences, Reason, Harvard Business Review, The Freeman, On Principle и других. В 1980-х годах он часто писал для журнала Barrons Financial and Business Magazine по таким вопросам, как эгалитаризм, иммиграция, законы о минимальной заработной плате и социальное обеспечение.

Его книга Собственная жизнь: индивидуальные права и государство всеобщего благосостояния это критика моральных предпосылок государства всеобщего благосостояния и защита частных альтернатив, которые сохраняют индивидуальную автономию, ответственность и достоинство. Его выступление в программе Джона Стоссела на канале ABC/TV "Жадность" в 1998 году вызвало национальные дебаты об этике капитализма.

Всемирно признанный эксперт по объективизму, он много читал лекций об Айн Рэнд, ее идеях и произведениях. Он был консультантом при экранизации фильма Атлас расправил плечии редактором книги Atlas Shrugged: Роман, фильмы, философия.


Основные работы (выбранные):

"Концепции и природы: A Commentary on The Realist Turn (by Douglas B. Rasmussen and Douglas J. Den Uyl)," Reason Papers 42, no. 1, (Summer 2021); Этот обзор недавней книги включает глубокое погружение в онтологию и эпистемологию концепций.

Основания знания. Шесть лекций по объективистской эпистемологии.

"Примат существования" и "Эпистемология восприятия", Школа Джефферсона, Сан-Диего, июль 1985 г.

"Универсалии и индукция", две лекции на конференциях ГКРЧ, Даллас и Энн-Арбор, март 1989 г.

"Скептицизм", Йоркский университет, Торонто, 1987 г.

"Природа свободной воли", две лекции в Портлендском институте, октябрь 1986 г.

"Партия современности", Cato Policy Report, май/июнь 2003; и Navigator, ноябрь 2003; широко цитируемая статья о культурных разногласиях между досовременными, современными (Просвещение) и постмодернистскими взглядами.

"Я не обязан"(журнал IOS, том 6, номер 1, апрель 1996 года) и "Я могу и я буду"(The New Individualist, осень-зима 2011 года); статьи-компаньоны о том, как сделать реальным контроль над нашей жизнью как личности.

Идеи и идеологии
Политическая философия